Attendance & Bell Schedule
The student's parent/guardian shall be notified by automated phone call, as required by law and as necessary. As a minimum, this notification shall occur when the student has accumulated four (4) absences per semester. The notice shall indicate to the parent the classes affected and the appeal process.
Students who accumulate more than eight (8) absences in a class for the semester may not be eligible for credit in that class and will receive a grade of “No Credit” (NC) for the semester. Students may regain credit status through the Saturday School Program. It is the student's responsibility to register for Saturday School. An absence is defined as missing more than 15 minutes of a scheduled period.
A student wishing to regain credit status through Saturday School must apply to do so through their grade appropriate principal. The principal will determine eligibility and guidelines for make-up.
The student must remain in the class in which credit will be denied and do the assigned work for the remainder of the semester unless admitted to an alternative learning program.
The student must remain in the class in which credit will be denied and do the assigned work for the remainder of the semester unless admitted to an alternative learning program.
Students arriving at school anytime after 9:00 a.m. are required to check in at the Attendance Office. Students will be given a note to enter class and an absence will be assessed for the period.
Parents are encouraged to call at least 1 hour in advance of checking a student out unless it is an emergency.
Students may not check out without a phone call, note, or appointment card. Students are encouraged to bring a note when checking out. All students must come to the Attendance Office at the time of check-out when leaving school during the scheduled day.
Students are encouraged to check out at class breaks to avoid class disruptions. Any student who knows they are checking out needs to come by the attendance office. Do not go to your next class and wait for a check out slip.
Students who are sick and call their parents to check them out need to report to the attendance office immediately; do not go back to class.
Any student that has a doctor, dental, or legal appointment, or has attended a funeral may bring documentation to the Attendance Office so these absences will not count toward the allotted 8 days. This documentation should be brought to the Attendance Office within 48 hours of the absence. Any note that is brought in after the 48 hours, must be approved by an administrator. All medical notes must be an original document and signed by the physician.
SHS is a “closed” campus. If a parent wishes their child to leave campus specifically for lunch the parent must come to the Attendance Office in person and check out their child.
Students who have doctor appointments or legal appointments during lunch must bring their appointment card to the Attendance Office and check out before leaving campus.
Students and their parents/guardians hold the main responsibility for school attendance and for the following policy. The School Board asks for the cooperation of both the students and parents/guardians in these matters so that the student can receive the best education possible.
Any student who fails to follow all or any part of the assigned schedule, whether the student is on or off campus, without checking out at the Attendance Office, will be considered truant, and the student will not receive credit for the time truant. Make up will be encouraged for the time of truancy but no credit will be given.
Any student that is late to class 15 minutes or more is marked as absent and will be considered truant.
When students are truant, the following penalties shall be applied:
First Violation:
Conference with the student
Notification of parent
Assignment of detention and/or In-School-Suspension
Second Violation:
Conference with the student
Notification of parent
Assignment of In-School Suspension
Third Violation:
Conference with the student
Notification of parent
Assignment of In-School Suspension
Warning of possible recommendation for expulsion