IMPORTANT 11th Grade Testing Information

The ACT, Accuplacer, and ASVAB exams for juniors is coming up on March 10, 2020.  SHS wants to make sure that your student takes the appropriate test for their future goals. You can view a short presentation at the following link that describes each of your options:

The link below will allow you access to an informational letter about the ACT (English, Spanish, and Marshallese versions are available).There are also copies of each form necessary depending on what option you choose.

  1. YELLOW waiver/opt out form if you DO NOT want to take the ACT. You will also use this YELLOW waiver/opt out form if you want to take the Accuplacer or ASVAB
  2. BLUE "consent to share info" form if you want to take the ACT and you currently receive SPED, 504, or ELL accommodations.
  3. WHITE Accuplacer/ASVAB form if you want to go to a 2-year college or program (NWACC or NTI for example) after graduation you will need to take the Accuplacer. If you are interested in the military or joining the workforce after graduation taking the ASVAB and NOT the ACT will be in your best interest
  4. If your student wants to take the ACT, then no further action is required unless they are currently receiving SPED, 504, or ELL accommodations.

Extra copies of these forms will be in the South office or you can access them here:

ALL pertinent forms are to be returned to the South Office by Friday, Dec. 20.